Wall Yoga

  • Wall Yoga - Basics

    Using the wall as a prop to support and guide, selected asana will be broken down to experience the subtle nuances of body engagement. Moving slowly into and out of each pose, this somatic approach builds body awareness that can improve safe access to the pose off the wall. Asana includes seated, standing, inversions, twists, forward and lateral bends and backbends.

  • Yoga Wall - Intermediate

    Similar to Wall Yoga - Basics this class employs more advanced asana.

  • Deep Stretch Wall Yoga

    This class is based on proper anatomic and kinesthetic alignment and accuracy to help promote a therapeutic yoga practice. Using gravity as a natural tool of resistance, the wall allows one to safely deepen asana and access deep core muscles - thus building overall strength, mobility and flexibility.

  • Spinal Rejuvenation

    This class offers traction based therapy to safely rejuvenate the spine. Also included is gentle yet deep stretching out of tight leg muscles and core building to help support the spine and alleviate pain. This class will leave you feeling lighter, longer and stronger.