We recommend speaking with an herbalist and dr prior to adding herbal blends to your routine. We do custom blends based upon constitution and general blends.

Infusions are typically 1 Tbl spoon to 6-8 oz water either hot or cold depending on the herb. Some herbs need to be infused in neutral water vs hot as the heat can actually deteriorate the nutrients you may be trying to receive from the herb

Tinctures tend to be your most accurate rate of ingestion as its a more precise amount and you will get the same amount of chemical constituents in each serving. We use either vodka or tequila for our spirit based tinctures and we also have alternative vegetable glycerin for those with alcohol intolerances or aversions.

Oxymels are not recommended for someone with acid reflux or vinegar intolerances, they are supportive of gut health, we use organic apple cider vinegar with the mother as our base. These vinegars are tasty and great drank alone or added to soda water or other drink. They make wonderful mocktails for any season.

House Blends: tinctures, infusions, oxymels and more