Kismet Astrology

“Lets look to the stars

Hi, I’m Jackie, an Astrologer here to support you to discover your unique soul design, connect with your purpose and gain clarity for your life.

I offer Astrology Readings that speak to your soul. The reading will inspire and empower you to align to your most authentic self.

You can also find me at Holistic Hollow teaching Astrology Workshops and teaching Somatic Stretching with Sound Medicine!

Connect, Clarity, Inspiration, Wisdom, Insight, Purpose, Authenticity, Liberation, Self Expression, Empowerment

Connect, Clarity, Inspiration, Wisdom, Insight, Purpose, Authenticity, Liberation, Self Expression, Empowerment

In a Natal Chart Astrology Reading with me:

  • You will feel fully seen & acknowledged.

  • Receive clarity for your soul purposes and intentions.

  • Connect with your inner inspiration

  • Understand the light and shadow aspects of your personality and how to work with them.

  • Align with your authenticity.

  • Understand the lessons you are here to learn and how you can embrace them with courage.

Your have purpose- and sometimes it can be hard to connect to it.

Lets look at your Stars to remind you of the purposes written in your soul.

Did you know you have your very own Birth Chart? Your Birth Chart is called a Natal Chart and it shows the location of the Planets the moment you were born. This chart shows us your unique soul design, reminding you that you are made of Stardust and are here with specific purposes. In a reading with me, you will be inspired, gain clarity, feel fully seen and acknowledged and love yourself more deeply.

My Services

  • Do you want to align to your authentic self? A Natal Chart Reading will inspire you to live in your design. This is a 1.5 Reading to discuss all your Planets, North and South node, Mid Heaven and IC. We will cover the sign and house positions of all the planets including the major aspects. The reading will provide clarity and empowerment on your spiritual journey. You will be affirmed & witnessed, as you deepest soul self is illuminated.

    Exact time of your birth, city and state of birth and of course, the month, day and year must be provided.

    $150 Natal Chart

    $177 Natal Chart plus Asteroids

  • Would you like a 1:1 session to focus on your month ahead? In the month head transit reading, we will discuss any of the major the themes of the month and how they may be impacting you. Key date will be given. I can also provide journaling prompts to support you in working with the Transits.


  • A 30 minute reading of your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign that includes the house placement and aspect. Or a Specific Question can be asked and dicussed.


  • Have you been feeling that inner desire to change? Going through a lot of challenges? A Transit Reading will support you to understand how the current Astrology is impacting you.

    The Reading will discuss which of the upcoming transits will be impacting you based on your natal chart, how to work with them for your personal growth and evolution and key dates to be aware of. This can include counsel for specific questions during the 90 minutes. This reading can be tailored to meet your specific questions.


  • You are an energy being and your mind, body and spirit are energetically connected. A 1:1 session with me is meant to hold space for, support and inspire those who are on a spiritual journey of growth. I will create space for processing what is coming up in your life journey and I will provide energetic and spiritual insight based on your Astrology chart, supporting you to understand your unconscious energy leaks and how to bring your energy back into alignment. This session can be to support you in gaining clarity and tuning into your inner wisdom and most authentic self.


  • Have you had an Astrology Reading already and now you are ready to go a level deeper?

    A Progressed Chart Reading will show where you are in your current soul evolution. These readings are most supportive for people who have had a natal chart reading and are ready to understand more deeply the season they are in. Contact me to inquire!


  • Are you interested in Sound Experience for your group gathering or event? I will bring the Sound Bath to you; in your home, at a spa experience, a group event, bachelorette gatherings, or any other location! Reach out to me to inquire. Additional offerings at request.

    Contact for Pricingi