And I help people release blockages and regulate their nervous system.

My relationship with trauma started in childhood and my entire adulthood has been dedicated to understanding and learning how to heal its effects on the body. Momentum RNS is the culmination of twenty years of study and dedication to the art of healing.

The Practices of Momentum RNS

  • Momentum Spinal Flow

    Awakens the body’s innate ability to heal by connecting to access points in the sacrum and skull that release blockages within the spine therefore allowing the nervous system to function properly.

  • Momentum RNS Techniques

    Is a system of releasing held tensions in the psoas and associated body systems so that the nervous system can return to calm after stressful events. This system of techniques is the exact protocol I developed to completely stop my panic attacks and heal from PTSD.

Please allow me to introduce you to Spinal Flow Technique.

  • Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle method of releasing blockages in the spine that have formed do to physical, emotional or toxin overload. By gently following pathways of ease in the body, and activating awareness of the body’s held tensions, the nervous system is given the opportunity to release and heal.

  • My teacher, Dr. Carli Axford distilled twenty years of experience in the chiropractic field, as well as a plethora of other healing modalities, to create Spinal Flow Technique. She transformed an entire industry when she, “as the first-ever Australian to be invited to practice at the prestigious Texas Back Institute - the largest spine institute in the world - established a system of care that prevented 85% of spinal surgeries.”

  • Spinal Flow sessions are received on a massage table, typically lying face down. Access points in the skull and sacrum are lightly touched in order to connect with the dura mater, which among other things, serves as the delivery superhighway of cerebrospinal fluid to the spinal cord and brain. The body will be encouraged out of the fight:flight state into a state of deep calm and healing. These sessions are 25-50 minutes long and a series of twelve sessions received two to three times a week is recommended.

  • If you have a spine, Spinal Flow is for you. This technique can safely be received from patients 0-100+ years old and can help relieve symptoms of literally every dis-ease known to man. Every part and system of the body is supplied with nerves that flow through the spine. Dysfunction of the spine equates to dise-ease of the body. Spinal Flow has helped people heal from headaches and migraines, TMJ, sleep disorders, neck, shoulder and back pain, food sensitivities and digestive disorders, breathing issues, kidney and bladder conditions, reproductive issues, hip and knee pain as well as anxiety, depression and a gamut of neurological disorders. If you have suffered physical or emotional trauma or have a toxin overload (in today’s world we all do) then Spinal Flow will gently facilitate healing in your body.

Please meet Momentum RNS Techniques.

  • These techniques are the exact protocol that I developed when I decided that I could not let my life be dictated by panic attacks anymore. At the height of my PTSD, I was having up to six or seven panic attacks a day, and this went on for over seven years. I went to therapy, I became a Trauma Informed Yoga instructor, I spoke to many, many doctors and sought many sorts of alternative healing therapies yet found little relief. I refused to let my body be drugged into submission and decided that there had to be a way out of the hell I was living in. I began to dive into learning about the body and learned that I needed to regulate my nervous system and hormone production and release the memory of traumas that were stored in the tissues of my body. I firmly believed in my body’s innate ability to heal, and knew that it had all the answers, I just needed to learn how to access them. My breakthrough moment happened during one of my body-led sessions at home, I experienced my psoas release for the first time. The rush of calm that overcame my entire being was unlike anything I had ever experienced, and I knew that I was onto something. It has now been over eight years since my last panic attack and my healing only continues to amplify. I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to share these techniques with whomever comes into my space, this work is profound and lasting.

  • RNS Techniques stands for Regulated Nervous System Techniques and they are a combination of practices that stem from several different modalities. Each practitioner of RNS Techniques is unique, therefore the exacts methods they will experience will vary based on their specific needs, but all techniques promote nervous system regulation, glandular stability and healing, safe release of held tensions and mindfulness.

  • The progressive sessions are designed to grow the body’s capacity for releasing trauma and establishing calm so that healing can take place. These practices regulate the nervous system, restore communication within the Limbic System (particularly that among the Hippocampus, Amygdala, Thalamus and Hypothalamus), as well as assist in resetting the Pituitary and Adrenal Glands. Breath, sleeping and joy are restored through these practices and a perpetual state of healing is activated.

  • These sessions meet the practitioner where they’re at. We discuss complaints and intentions and asses the current state of the body. Techniques are introduced slowly, gently and methodically based on the current state of the nervous system. There may be an experience of any combination of breathwork, visualization, somatic exercises, psoas releases, yoga Nidra, guided meditation, journaling and other practices that facilitate the process of regulating the nervous system.

  • It is oftentimes impossible to know when a trigger will happen, and to what intensity. RNS Techniques are designed to guide the body out of the fight:flight response and into a state of calm. By this very nature, typically a trigger may present, however experienced by a higher level of view, so to speak. The practitioner begins to witness the trigger rather than embody it. More often than experiencing a trigger, during a session, the practitioner may experience emotional or physical release. This is not something to try to avoid, but rather encouraged so that new methods of coping and healing can be empowered.

  • No, RNS Techniques are not a replacement for talk therapy - however, they are an excellent support system for talk therapy. Held trauma is not an experience of cognition, it is an experience of body. Cognition struggles to understand what the body experiences, but it cannot change the body’s experience. Talk therapy can assist our ability to process experience, understand behaviors, grow skillsets and develop emotional intelligence among many other things, however it cannot be, or greatly falls short in, service to the body. Conversely, it is important to understand that I am not a therapist. I have a great understanding of the body and I have a great capacity to hold space for others to awaken their inner healer. But I do not engage in counseling of any sort and our dialogue will be minimal. My presence is to facilitate connection to the body, it would be inappropriate to expect otherwise, and for this reason, a good relationship with a qualified therapist is highly recommended and encouraged. I have amazing references if you need.

The Psoas Release

Is the signature technique of Momentum RNS, so let’s introduce it properly.

The psoas muscle connects your upper thigh to your abdomen by way of attachments to the femur, pelvis and spine, it even attaches to the diaphragm through fascial tissue. This muscle affects posture and breathing and is often referred to as the fight:flight muscle. During a traumatic event or through sustained periods of stress, the psoas activates and oftentimes does not release completely, leaving the body in a heightened level of fight:flight.

Think of a time when you were really, really scared, as a child and you experienced shivers, or shakes, or strong tingling sensations running through your body. Now think of a time as an adult where you were really, really scared, or stressed, or hurt, but you forced yourself to maintain composure and push through the experience.

As an adult, your body was not given the opportunity to release the fight:flight response, in fact instead it was reinforced, encouraging the psoas to stay activated.

Inducing the Psoas Release with Momentum RNS Techniques allows ‘the shakes’ (think teeth chattering when you are cold) to finally process through. This settles the body back into balance, out of fight:flight. This is a very gentle modality that is accessible to and innate in every body.

You will be guided carefully through some deep stretches to allow the body to soften and to awaken the intent to release held tensions. It is not painful, or frightening. You may experience emotional release.

A regulated nervous system feels calm, safe, secure and soft and inducing the Psoas Release removes blockages within the body that prevent us from these higher states of being.


  • One hour session designed to meet your needs. This can be Spinal Flow, Momentum RNS Techniques, or a combination of both.


  • Twelve sessions, calculated at the rate of $60 per session.


  • These are limited to 5 people and include The Psoas Release and Spinal Flow. 75 minutes.


  • These are available after initial hour session.


  • Limited to five people, must have free spinal assessment prior to class.


  • Healing can only be awakened, it is not given. A healer holds space, but to heal is to be human.

    Bre Lee

  • If bodywork is to be more significant than just so many pokes and rubs, if it is to effect lasting changes, […then…] it must reach the mind, the whole mind, from the surface of the skin to the spinal reflexes.

    Dean Juhan

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Or, please email me with questions and scheduling requests.